Reverse Engineering 

We have a very extensive archive of old and obsolete gearboxes from many current, and out of business manufacturer’s, which have served us and our customers very well over the years.

Most of the time we can just look up your gearbox in our database and find all necessary prints to perform repairs.

Other times the prints were either non-published or are proprietary. It is for this reason that we have a dedicated team that specializes in reverse engineering for all makes and models.

Don’t pay absorbently high re-manufacturing or modification costs that can take up to 6 months to complete.

We can reverse engineer every component of your gearbox from shafts and gears to housings, at a fraction of the cost and time of the O.E.M.

If you have a gearbox that is no longer in production contact us today so that we can get you back up and running.

9 Step Quality Assurance Process

All gearbox repairs are overseen not only by our machinist but by our knowledgeable engineers, and conform to not only ISO 9001 standards but also our own 9 step quality assurance process.

1. Open and clean all foreign dirt, debris, oil, grease, etc.
2. Sandblast gears and housing.
3. Detailed visual inspection of all seals, gaskets, bearings, and gears by one of our veteran engineers to recognize and report why your gearbox failed.
4. Magnaflux, die test all working parts and housing for hairline and stress fractures.
5. Submit a written quote for services
6. Make necessary repairs upon approval.
7. Preload and test for a minimum of 8 hours for vibration and over-heating.
8. Apply PPG 2 stage corrosion and heat resistant paint.
9. Shrink wrap and band unit and schedule for delivery back to your facility all with a 36-month warranty.

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